

Service is provided by WATER MATE BOATS OÜ (Registry number: 14399000), which headquarters is located in Estonia at address:

Lumemarja tee 51 Haabneeme alevik, Viimsi vald Harjumaa 74001.

Service is provided under brand name BOATRIDE.EU

Service provider contacts:

E-mail info@boatride.eu

Phone +372 5163633

Service provider administration contacts:

E-mail joonas@boatride.eu

Phone +372 5163633


The place of service is located in Slovakia, Bratislava, Pier HUMA-2 

The ride takes place on Slovakia territory, on river Donau around Bratislava.


The terms of service apply for:

  • Buyers of tickets
  • All passengers on our boats..


All bookings are made with prior payment.

Bookings at the HUMA-2 pier are done with payment in Cash, Card or Transfer.

The booking at site will be made in either as a booking for a future boat ride or in case of free capacity for the next boat ride going out.

Online bookings can be made on our Website by using the Booking Widget provided by Bokun.io


Client has the right to cancel from service contract by notifying BOATRIDE.EU. The contact e-mail is info@boatride.eu and the phone number is +372 516 3633

The booking amount will be transferred back to Buyer’s bank account in 10 days starting from notifying us about cancellation.

Withdrawal from service contract is valid if done at least 12 hours before the purchased boat ride time.  If the client has not notified us before 12 hours until the ride begins, we have the right to keep the booking money.


If the service provider due to technical failure, bad weather conditions or other critical reasons can not provide service accordingly, the Client has the right to get their ticket refunded or they can choose another time for the activity.

The refund will be paid to Client’s bank account in 10 days after notifying the client about cancellation.


If there is dispute between the Client and Service Provider, it shall be solved over e-mail.

If Client and Service Provider are unable to solve the dispute with an agreement, the Client can turn to the EU Consumer Disputes Committee. The Consumer Disputes Committee is competent to resolve disputes arising from the contract concluded between the Client and the Service Provider. The examination of the buyer’s complaint in the commission is free of charge.

The buyer can turn to the European Union Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform here in Slovakian or English


The service provider uses the personal data entered by the buyer only for the processing of the order and for the provision of the service. More information in Privacy Policy.


  • All passengers MUST be seated while boating and standing is not permitted!
  • All passengers must wear a buoyancy aid vest while boating!
  • It is FORBIDDEN to jump from the boat into the water!
  • Smoking is FORBIDDEN on the boat and in its immediate vicinity!
  • It is FORBIDDEN to light a fire, use matches or use a lighter on the boat or in its immediate vicinity!
  • During a boat trip, the Passenger is responsible for the safety and preservation of their belongings

The boat is properly equipped with life jackets located in the storage rooms under the benches and in case of emergency, the captain orders the use of the life jacket.

The boat is equipped with the necessary rescue equipment as required.


  • If the passenger jumps into the water during the ride, the Service Provider has the right to collect a fine of 50€.
  • Making a fire, using matches, using a lighter or smoking is forbidden, the Service Provider has the right to collect a fine of up to € 300 from the Passenger.